Professional Audio Video

Location: North of Dallas, Texas, including
Frisco, Plano, Allen & McKinney

Sound System Sense

  • Is your sound system hard to hear?
  • Does it sound muddy or dull?
  • Do you have feedback or hum?

We provide sensible solutions to these and other sound system and acoustics related problems.

Sound System Setup and Analysis

We can analyze your sound system and setup the components properly, including large mixing consoles and sophisticated digital signal processors. Solutions include wideband equalization, feedback notch filters, delay settings of distributed speakers, etc. We can solve ground loop hum problems too.

Sound System Training

We offer training courses. A half day course in basic sound engineering may be just what your staff needs to bring out the best in your sound system. Topics include mixers, microphones, signal processors, and acoustics.

Example Signal Processor Help Sheet:

I. DriveRack PA (Left/Right Clusters)

1.This is the crossover for the Left/Right speakers, which are biamped with crossover at 500Hz. It also has a mono subwoofer output that feeds the next DriveRack which has its own crossover filter. Use program #F2 (3 Way w/mSub), section 5.2.

2.The QRx153 speakers have a fairly flat frequency response so minimal equalization is needed.

3.Since the Left/Right are mainly for music, not voice, there is little need for feedback suppression (AFS) which can degrade the quality of music. However, AFS can be added if necessary.

4.Moderate compression is used, although more can be added at the mixer for uneven guitars/etc.: OverEasy=7, Threshold= -10, Ratio=2:1, Gain=0, Auto=On

5.Limiting is set to 0 dBu (0.775V) on the high range speakers, which corresponds to the PLX1202 amplifier output of 150W per channel. Limiting is set to +5dBu (1.36V) for the low range speakers, which corresponds to the PLX2402 amplifier output of 400W per channel.

II. DriveRack 260 (Center Cluster and Gym/Bleachers)

1.This is the crossover for the Center speakers, which is set to 500 Hz. It also does the mono subwoofer crossover at 120 Hz, which includes A+B summing to bring in the Left/Right sub feed. Use program 1x4 w/ 2 Zones, section 7.4. The center cluster has 4 Horns in 2 groups: Upper+Lower and Left+Right. The Left+Right horns (programmed as Mid, but really High) cover most of the seating area, so the Upper+Lower horns are turned down and crossed over High to minimize hot spots.

2.Equalization is needed to flatten the frequency response. The RTA function can be used to tweak the equalization.

3.Since the Center is mainly for voice, not music, feedback suppression (AFS) is set to: On, Low Music, Fixed=0, Lift=On, After=20min Some of the filters may be changed to Fixed during each pre-performance sound check for improved feedback suppression.

4.Medium compression is used, although more can be added at the mixer for uneven speakers/singers: OverEasy=3, Threshold= -20, Ratio=2:1, Gain=0, Auto=On

5.Limiting depends on speaker impedance, which can be either 8 or 16 ohms for the DH1A. If they are 16 ohms each, then two will be connected in parallel for a total of 8 ohms. If they are 8 ohms each, then two will be connected in series for a total of 16 ohms. For 8 ohms total: Limiting is set to 0dBu (0.775V) on the high range speakers, which corresponds to the RMX850 amplifier output of 100W per channel into 8 ohms. For 16 ohms total: Limiting is set to +3.4dBu (1.15V) on the high range speakers, which corresponds to the RMX850 amplifier output of 100W per channel into 16 ohms (200W into 8 ohms). Limiting is set to 0dBu (0.775V) for the low range speakers, which corresponds to the RMX850 amplifier output of 800W bridged mono into 4 ohms. Limiting is not needed on the subs as they can handle the full output of the amplifier (PLX3402) at 1100W per channel parallel mono, but may be set to +7dBu (1.7V) as a fail-safe.

6.The Gymnasium Floor and Bleacher speakers are set up as delay zones to synchronize them with the main system. Equalization is used to correct the differences between the Center cluster and the zone speakers. Limiting is not needed but may be set to +2dBu (0.96V) as a fail-safe (for the MX700).

III. Behringer Feedback Destroyer (Floor Monitors only)

1. Back panel has -10/+4 level switch. Set to match mixer. Watch meters during music to confirm setting.

2. Horizontal LEDs are indicators for12 filters per channel. Multiple flashing LEDs mean those filters have not been set. If only 1 of 12 is flashing, it was the last filter adjusted automatically.

3. Front panel display: Default display is program number. Use 1 for multi-purpose setting. Use other programs for special purposes.

4. Blank program number, below 1, is for default settings. Start there for each sound check, set up filters, then store to program 1.

5. Front panel switches (use Jog Wheel after pressing switch):
a. Filter Select: 1-12 available filters per channel
b. Filter Mode: OF=off, PA=manual, AU=auto, SI=single shot, LO=single shot locked
c. Engine L: left channel
d. Engine R: right channel
e. Frequency,Fine,Bandwidth,Gain: for PA mode only these are parametric filter parameters
f. IN/OUT: red flashing=bypass all, green=bypass selected filter
g. STORE: save changes to program by pressing once, dialing in program number, then pressing again

6. Sensitivity for automatic feedback suppression: Press and hold Filter Mode+Gain for 2 seconds to change threshold of AU or SI: -3,-6,-9 (-9 is most sensitive)

IV. Behringer Multi-Com Compressor (8 Insert snake)

1. Back panel has -10/+4 level switch. Set to match mixer. Watch meters during music to confirm setting.

2. Front panel switches and typical setting
a. Release: Out (short, press in for long)
b. Gate: Out (expander, press in for gate)
c. Contour Low: Out (press in to prevent pumping)
d. Enhancer: Out (press in to add brightness)
e. Interact Knee: Either (hard knee or soft knee)
f. Couple: Out (press in for stereo recording)
g. I/O Meter: In to monitor input
h. IN/OUT: Toggle to compare results

3. Rotary pots and typical setting
a. Trigger: Off (use for special effects)
b. Threshold: -10 to -20 (controls input range)
c. Ratio: 2:1 to 4:1 (controls output range)
d. Output: usually 0 (increase to compensate for lower settings of Threshold or higher settings of Ratio).
e. Limiter: Off (use for special effects)

V. Lexicon MPX110 (2 separate Inserts)

Start with rotary pots set straight up.

1. Input: decrease to prevent clipping distortion
2. Mix: increase for more effect
3. Output: matches level to mixer
4. Effects Lvl/Bal: effect level
5. Adjust: varies effect parameters
6. Bypass: toggle to compare results
7. Variation: 16 variations of each program
8. Program: select effect

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